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While I have not resolved my own problems with the school, and hope to do so Wednesday after class, I am getting info that grades must be in by August 28, 2009. This is Friday of the last week of class (I am writing this on Tuesday, Aug 25). Therefore, you are required to submit these files back to me by Friday 12:00 PM (Friday at noon). There is no excuse for missing this deadline. Your instructor, just as you, is also busy with other work, personal goals and family (and friend) considerations and it is his intention to make this deadline. And, keep in mind, until a resolution on Wednesday, he is doing this gratis. So, he expects you to do your share and meet this deadline. Anybody not meeting this deadline will be given an F for the course.

Below, you can select and load the files pertaining to your take home excel text. There are 3 problems on the test and therefore 3 excel spreadsheets for you to work on. You will Email (or in some other way) get these spreadsheets (after you have worked on them) back to me before the marking paeriod for the instructor ends

Below is the test

Bring down the take home Excel test
community arms.xls
Bond Movie.xlsx
recycling 2008.xlsx

For those without accessibility to Office 2007, here are these files in older format

Bring down the take home Excel test
community arms.xls
Bond Movie.xls
recycling 2008.xls